Betsy Vonk, President

I started singing with Meridian in January of 2023 after a nearly 30 year hiatus from choral singing. Choral singing brings me great joy, challenges me to keep learning, and provides a lovely community of people who are passionate about bringing joy to others through music. When I’m not singing, you will most likely find me quilting or cooking.
Marjanne Goozé, Vice-President

Growing up in Los Angeles, California, I sang from a young age to high school. After a long hiatus, I joined University Chorus at UGA in 1987 and sang with them for a few years. Then I joined the Athens Choral Society, where I served on the board and as President. In 2004 I rejoined University Chorus and have been singing in both groups for 20 years. I really appreciate the opportunities to sing major choral works and works by new composers. Post-retirement I joined Meridian and enjoy the treble repertoire and contributing to the group. When not singing, I was a professor of German Studies at UGA, publishing on literature by women and Jewish-German authors, 18th– and 19th-century Berlin Jewish salons, and Holocaust studies.
Vicki Connell, Treasurer
Janet Rodekohr, Librarian
(prior to July 1, 2023 also Publicity)

I’ve been singing since school days in Nebraska and have looked for choirs to join throughout my life, whether they were school, church or community groups. I also sing with the Athens Chamber Singers and have traveled abroad to international music festivals; I’ve also performed at the Spoleto Festival in Charleston with the Friendship Community Choir. I have been a member of Meridian for about ten years. My professional career involved writing news and creating marketing plans for the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Since my retirement, I have taken up watercolor. My work has been accepted into several shows and has even won a few awards.
Karen Bouchard, Secretary

Karen Bouchard joined Meridian Women’s Chorus in August of 2023. Karen was a speech therapist for many years specializing in early intervention. She and her husband retired to live on their farm in Commerce in 2021. Karen heard the Meridian Women’s Chorus perform in May of 2023 and knew that she wanted to be part of the group. Karen has always loved music and has sung in church choirs for many years. “I’m not professionally trained but when I’m singing with a group, I am totally focused on the music. It’s my happy place. I’m so thankful to be part of Meridian Women’s Chorus.”
Barbara Rodgers, Publicity

At-Large Members
Roberta Merkle

Since I was always in the band in high school and college, I never had the opportunity to sing in chorus. Music has always been a passion for me, and as an adult I started singing in my synagogue choir. About twenty years ago, I decided to sing with the Athens Choral Society, and since then I’ve become a choir geek. I love singing with Meridian Women’s Chorus; I’ve been a member since 2009, through five (!) directors and a pandemic. My other passions are reading, science (I’m a retired biochemist), and Zumba. These keep me young!
Past Executive Committee Members
Past President: Wren Howard

Singing with Meridian Women’s Chorus since 2003 has been a great joy for me. I love to sing but most of all I love to sing with others. There is nothing comparable to singing with a chorus. I do think music is food for the soul!
Past Treasurer: Julia Shore

Singing in a group always lifts my spirit. Studies have even shown singing in a group activates the same areas of the brain as praying does. I volunteered to be treasurer so I can give back to the community. I live in Athens with my husband and our daughter, plus four cats and one dog. Although I retired from a long career as a pharmacist, I still work part-time in that field. Singing, however, is my retirement passion, and the journey all started with an ad in a local newspaper!
Past Publicity: Gabrielle Mason

I’ve lived in Athens since 1997, becoming a “Double Dawg” with multiple degrees in Early Education and Instructional Technology, as well as part of a BFA in Painting and Drawing. I retired from UGA in 2018 after serving in executive assistant roles to key UGA administrators. I look forward to helping Meridian publicize performances while also encouraging more women to join us.
Since early childhood, singing has been an enduring joy for me. A true amateur, I have no formal training, but I find practicing and performing with Meridian tremendously fulfilling. I am so happy to be a part of this amazing group of singers!
Past Secretary: Angela Helwig

I grew up in Virginia and have lived and worked in both Pennsylvania and Georgia. I recently retired from my job as an administrator for the Oconee County Senior Center. I have always loved singing and am so happy to be singing with Meridian! My husband, Steve, and I are also very active with the Georgia Lions; I am the District Cabinet Secretary (he is the District Governor) and I also edit the Lions District newsletter and the state-level newsletter for the Lions of Georgia. Other retirement activities include reading, writing, playing mahjong, cooking, eating out, and spoiling our sweet dog, Missy. Like most retirees, however, my absolute favorite time is spent with our children and grandchildren; we travel regularly to visit them.